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recap: plastics policy, waste trade & more

Pui Yi Wong via Thu, 16 Feb, 11:42to bffp.discussion, bffp.policy, Doun, Sirine

Hello folks,Thank you for joining our February global waste trade calls.  Before sharing the usual highlights, we have a big announcement. We are ending monthly BFFP global waste trade and global policy calls. The last three years of global calls have been a rich experience! At the same time, BFFP’s waste trade and policy focus (other than for the plastic treaty) is now in the regions. Regional plastics policy calls are providing a great space to support and organize members’ work in Europe, the US, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and a new Africa policy call is starting soon. We will continue to share our monthly email recaps of plastics policy and waste trade highlights from different regions, in collaboration with regional call facilitators. Any of us can use this list to organize ad-hoc planning calls around a specific global policy event (e.g. ahead of the next Basel Convention COP). At the same time we recognize that BFFP’s global policy priority in the next couple of years is the global plastics treaty, and BFFP is working on this mainly through regional structures.The BFFP global meeting in Vietnam will be an opportunity to further discuss these changes if needed, but of course feel free to email us directly for any questions or reactions.  And now, the waste trade highlights (plastics policy highlights will follow next week). Waste trade (notes)For more details, see BAN’s January newsletter.Global: BAN to organise prep call for OEWG-13 (21-23 Feb 2023) and/or Basel COP-16 (1-12 May 2023). Potential side event on plastic scrap in paper and textile wastes, and misuse of Article 11 of Basel Convention (BC). Global: There are emerging calls at INC/WEF to create regional hubs to recycle imported plastic waste.US & Canada: Concern over plastic waste exports to LAC especially Mexico. One-off call to be organised for the Americas to discuss possible actions.US: Certified recyclers may be sending plastic computer parts to Malaysia for recycling. Y48, illegal under BC.EU: Waste Shipment Regulations revisions still with Council, aim to complete by June 2023. Art. 11 of BC allows special agreements to move hazardous wastes - some are pushing for this intra-EU. This must not be allowed, Y48 wastes (e.g. PVC) should be subject to PIC.UK: Consultation for plastic waste exports will begin soon. RPa/BFFP to push for a phased-in export ban to OECD countries, like the EU.Malaysia: Fire at paper and plastic waste facility. Increasing stockpiles observed in recycling facilities. More illegal e-waste sorting facilities found.Philippines: NGOs call for Basel BAN Amendment ratification. The government also requested to be a member of HAC for the treaty negotiations.SEA: Potential to collaborate with UNODC Unwaste Project involving Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand. Find out more about the project at UNODC’s website.Africa: Spanish authorities dismantled an organization that sent more than 5,000 tons of hazardous electronic waste from the Canary Islands to  Senegal, Nigeria, Mauritania, and Ghana.New & upcoming publications  EIA report “Plastic Waste Power Play: The offshoring and recycling displacement involved in trying to recycle EU plastic waste”BFFP infographic on waste tradeBFFP photo essay about waste trade and human rightsThank you,Doun, Pui Yi, and Sirine--Pui Yi, WongAsia Pacific Project Coordinator - Waste Trade


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